Traveling Trough A Network

I have a intermediate level of knowledge when it comes to the  CMD run menu on my computer mostly from class in high school but never really understood the function.  I understood the gist of everything we had to do for this assignment.  I currently have an understanding of how one is supposed to ping and traceroute a specific web domain.  Seeing what was explained about packets of data n the chapter and how they bounce from router to router while on its route to go where it needs to be. The pin and traceroutes I did were of the sites Google, an Australia rugby website, and a online shop for farm vehicles called United Kingdom Autotrader.  The Australian rugby website had the smallest quantity of hops and that was seven, Google had nineteen hops and United Kingdom Autotrader had the most with thirty.  The speediest ping was google in eighteen milliseconds, United Kingdom Autotrader at one hundred and twenty-nine milliseconds and, Australian Rugby did not register. The outcomes of the assignment demonstrates that google has an incredible and established connection to transport intreated data.  Every hop is a router that data goes through then another hop another router.  The supplementary hops intensification can run the unintended consequence of creating an issue while salvaging data. A traceroute will display the way the data takes to get to where is is supposed to end up at.  My inference is that the longer the server distance the longer it take to get and send date from one router to another. To get the sites that were in the England and Australia it took longer to interconnect, and the Australian didn’t interconnect at all when I ping or traced them, but google was almost instant.  You can see my snapshots the results of what I did


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